How to setup the Arpeggiator in Logic Pro

If you’re not used to working with Logic’s Environment window, then setting up and routing the arpeggiator can seem a bit confusing at first.  Since arpeggiators are a big part of modern music production, it’s important that Logic Pro users figure this out.

With that in mind, we’ll walk you through a step-by-step process for setting up Logic’s arpeggiator.

Step 1 – Create a virtual instrument.

Choose a basic synthesizer sound from Logic’s ES2.  Don’t worry about the actual sound too much.  Let’s focus on getting everything set.

Step 2 – Load an arpeggiator.

Pull up Logic’s Environment (command + 8).  Click on the New drop-down menu and select the arpeggiator.

Step 3 – Route your arpeggiator to your MIDI track.

Drag a cable connection from your arpeggiator to your MIDI track.

Step 4 – Create an audio track.

Create a new audio track (not MIDI) then right click on it and reassign it to your arpeggiator.

The path is as follows – Reassign Track > Mixer > Arpeggiator

Step 5 – Record enable your audio track.

Record enable you audio track and start playback.  Strike some keys and you should hear your arpeggiator going to work.

Note:  You won’t hear your arpeggiator working unless your arrangement is actually playing.  Even if you don’t have much of anything in your arrangement this rule still applies.


You can access your arpeggiator’s controls in the left hand corner of the Environment window.  It’s there that you’ll tweak the arpeggiator to your liking.  You can arpeggiate just about any sound you’d like so be sure to experiment!

We hope you enjoyed this article!  Be sure to visit Loop Galaxy for all of your sampling needs!


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